One tool that can help the set of the machines is Chocolatey Nuget. Chocolatey is is a Machine Package Manager, somewhat like apt-get, but built with Windows in mind. It is set up on the same premise as Nuget both at their essence are package managers.
To set up Chocolatey open a command prompt and type
This installs Chocolatey onto your machine.
Once this is done type the following commands at the command prompt. This installs Git, MsysGit, Posh Git and Git Flow to your machine.:
Now you have the tools to set up Git Flow on your machine. To complete the installation of Git Flow type the following into your command line:
If you get an error at the above step fix by copying the following files from the Git install path similar to C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_8810fd5c2c79c73adcc73fd0825f3b32fdb816e7.
NB: Replace PortableGit_8810fd5c2c79c73adcc73fd0825f3b32fdb816e7 with the name of your directory; you do not need the \bin at the end.
To C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\libexec\git-core (or similar)
Then you are ready to use git flow, read this article for more information about using git flow
Once this is done type the following commands at the command prompt. This installs Git, MsysGit, Posh Git and Git Flow to your machine.:
Now you have the tools to set up Git Flow on your machine. To complete the installation of Git Flow type the following into your command line:
If you get an error at the above step fix by copying the following files from the Git install path similar to C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_8810fd5c2c79c73adcc73fd0825f3b32fdb816e7.
NB: Replace PortableGit_8810fd5c2c79c73adcc73fd0825f3b32fdb816e7 with the name of your directory; you do not need the \bin at the end.
To C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\libexec\git-core (or similar)
Then you are ready to use git flow, read this article for more information about using git flow